641 lines
21 KiB
641 lines
21 KiB
Nested Fenced Code Blocks
This is a modification of the original Fenced Code Extension.
Algorithm has been rewritten to allow for fenced blocks in blockquotes,
lists, etc. And also , allow for special UML fences like 'flow' for flowcharts
and `sequence` for sequence diagrams.
Modified: 2014 - 2017 Isaac Muse <isaacmuse@gmail.com>
Fenced Code Extension for Python Markdown
This extension adds Fenced Code Blocks to Python-Markdown.
See <https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/fenced_code_blocks.html>
for documentation.
Original code Copyright 2007-2008 [Waylan Limberg](http://achinghead.com/).
All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project
License: [BSD](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from markdown.extensions import Extension
from markdown.preprocessors import Preprocessor
from markdown.blockprocessors import CodeBlockProcessor
from markdown import util as md_util
from . import highlight as hl
import re
SOH = '\u0001'
EOT = '\u0004'
PREFIX_CHARS = ('>', ' ', '\t')
(?P<fence>~{3,}|`{3,})[ \t]* # Fence opening
(\{? # Language opening
\.?(?P<lang>[\w#.+-]*))?[ \t]* # Language
(hl_lines=(?P<quot>"|')(?P<hl_lines>\d+(?:[ \t]+\d+)*)(?P=quot))?[ \t]*| # highlight lines
(linenums=(?P<quot2>"|') # Line numbers
(?P<linestart>[\d]+) # Line number start
(?:[ \t]+(?P<linestep>[\d]+))? # Line step
(?:[ \t]+(?P<linespecial>[\d]+))? # Line special
(?P=quot2))?[ \t]*
}?[ \t]*$ # Language closing
NESTED_FENCE_END = r'%s[ \t]*$'
def _escape(txt):
"""Basic html escaping."""
txt = txt.replace('&', '&')
txt = txt.replace('<', '<')
txt = txt.replace('>', '>')
txt = txt.replace('"', '"')
return txt
class CodeStash(object):
Stash code for later retrieval.
Store original fenced code here in case we were
too greedy and need to restore in an indented code
def __init__(self):
self.stash = {}
def __len__(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Length of stash."""
return len(self.stash)
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""Get the code from the key."""
code = self.stash.get(key, default)
return code
def remove(self, key):
"""Remove the stashed code."""
del self.stash[key]
def store(self, key, code, indent_level):
"""Store the code in the stash."""
self.stash[key] = (code, indent_level)
def clear_stash(self):
"""Clear the stash."""
self.stash = {}
def fence_code_format(source, language, css_class):
"""Format source as code blocks."""
return '<pre class="%s"><code>%s</code></pre>' % (css_class, _escape(source))
def fence_div_format(source, language, css_class):
"""Format source as div."""
return '<div class="%s">%s</div>' % (css_class, _escape(source))
class SuperFencesCodeExtension(Extension):
"""SuperFences code block extension."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.superfences = []
self.config = {
'disable_indented_code_blocks': [False, "Disable indented code blocks - Default: False"],
'custom_fences': [
{'name': 'flow', 'class': 'uml-flowchart'},
{'name': 'sequence', 'class': 'uml-sequence-diagram'}
'Specify custom fences. Default: See documentation.'
'highlight_code': [True, "Highlight code - Default: True"],
'css_class': [
"Set class name for wrapper element. The default of CodeHilite or Highlight will be used"
"if nothing is set. - "
"Default: ''"
'preserve_tabs': [False, "Preserve tabs in fences - Default: False"]
super(SuperFencesCodeExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def extend_super_fences(self, name, formatter):
"""Extend SuperFences with the given name, language, and formatter."""
"name": name,
"test": lambda l, language=name: language == l,
"formatter": formatter
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
"""Add fenced block preprocessor to the Markdown instance."""
# Not super yet, so let's make it super
config = self.getConfigs()
# Default fenced blocks
"name": "superfences",
"test": lambda language: True,
"formatter": None
# UML blocks
custom_fences = config.get('custom_fences', [])
for custom in custom_fences:
name = custom.get('name')
class_name = custom.get('class')
fence_format = custom.get('format', fence_code_format)
if name is not None and class_name is not None:
lambda s, l, c=class_name, f=fence_format: f(s, l, c)
self.markdown = md
for entry in self.superfences:
entry["stash"] = CodeStash()
def patch_fenced_rule(self):
Patch Python Markdown with our own fenced block extension.
We don't attempt to protect against a user loading the `fenced_code` extension with this.
Most likely they will have issues, but they shouldn't have loaded them together in the first place :).
config = self.getConfigs()
fenced = SuperFencesBlockPreprocessor(self.markdown)
indented_code = SuperFencesCodeBlockProcessor(self)
fenced.config = config
fenced.extension = self
indented_code.config = config
indented_code.markdown = self.markdown
indented_code.extension = self
self.superfences[0]["formatter"] = fenced.highlight
self.markdown.parser.blockprocessors['code'] = indented_code
if config["preserve_tabs"]:
self.markdown.preprocessors.add('fenced_code_block', fenced, "<normalize_whitespace")
post_fenced = SuperFencesBlockPostNormalizePreprocessor(self.markdown)
self.markdown.preprocessors.add('fenced_code_post_norm', post_fenced, ">normalize_whitespace")
self.markdown.preprocessors.add('fenced_code_block', fenced, ">normalize_whitespace")
def reset(self):
"""Clear the stash."""
for entry in self.superfences:
class SuperFencesBlockPostNormalizePreprocessor(Preprocessor):
"""Preprocessor to clean up normalization bypass hack."""
r'^([\> ]*)%s(%s)%s$' % (
md_util.HTML_PLACEHOLDER[1:-1] % r'([0-9]+)',
def run(self, lines):
"""Search for fenced blocks."""
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
line = self.TEMP_PLACEHOLDER_RE.sub(r'\1' + md_util.STX + r'\2' + md_util.ETX, line)
return new_lines
class SuperFencesBlockPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
Preprocessor to find fenced code blocks.
Because this is done as a preprocessor, it might be too greedy.
We will stash the blocks code and restore if we mistakenly processed
text from an indented code block.
CODE_WRAP = '<pre%s><code%s>%s</code></pre>'
def __init__(self, md):
super(SuperFencesBlockPreprocessor, self).__init__(md)
self.markdown = md
self.tab_len = self.markdown.tab_length
self.checked_hl_settings = False
self.codehilite_conf = {}
def normalize_ws(self, text):
"""Normalize whitespace."""
return text.expandtabs(self.tab_len)
def rebuild_block(self, lines):
"""Dedent the fenced block lines."""
return '\n'.join([line[self.ws_virtual_len:] for line in lines])
def get_hl_settings(self):
"""Check for CodeHilite extension to get its config."""
if not self.checked_hl_settings:
self.checked_hl_settings = True
self.highlight_code = self.config['highlight_code']
config = hl.get_hl_settings(self.markdown)
css_class = self.config['css_class']
self.css_class = css_class if css_class else config['css_class']
self.extend_pygments_lang = config.get('extend_pygments_lang', None)
self.guess_lang = config['guess_lang']
self.pygments_style = config['pygments_style']
self.use_pygments = config['use_pygments']
self.noclasses = config['noclasses']
self.linenums = config['linenums']
def clear(self):
"""Reset the class variables."""
self.ws = None
self.ws_len = 0
self.ws_virtual_len = 0
self.fence = None
self.lang = None
self.hl_lines = None
self.linestart = None
self.linestep = None
self.linespecial = None
self.quote_level = 0
self.code = []
self.empty_lines = 0
self.fence_end = None
def eval_fence(self, ws, content, start, end):
"""Evaluate a normal fence."""
if (ws + content).strip() == '':
# Empty line is okay
self.empty_lines += 1
self.code.append(ws + content)
elif len(ws) != self.ws_virtual_len and content != '':
# Not indented enough
elif self.fence_end.match(content) is not None and not content.startswith((' ', '\t')):
# End of fence
self.process_nested_block(ws, content, start, end)
# Content line
self.empty_lines = 0
self.code.append(ws + content)
def eval_quoted(self, ws, content, quote_level, start, end):
"""Evaluate fence inside a blockquote."""
if quote_level > self.quote_level:
# Quote level exceeds the starting quote level
elif quote_level <= self.quote_level:
if content == '':
# Empty line is okay
self.code.append(ws + content)
self.empty_lines += 1
elif len(ws) < self.ws_len:
# Not indented enough
elif self.empty_lines and quote_level < self.quote_level:
# Quote levels don't match and we are signified
# the end of the block with an empty line
elif self.fence_end.match(content) is not None:
# End of fence
self.process_nested_block(ws, content, start, end)
# Content line
self.empty_lines = 0
self.code.append(ws + content)
def process_nested_block(self, ws, content, start, end):
"""Process the contents of the nested block."""
self.last = ws + self.normalize_ws(content)
code = None
for entry in reversed(self.extension.superfences):
if entry["test"](self.lang):
code = entry["formatter"](self.rebuild_block(self.code), self.lang)
if code is not None:
self._store(self.normalize_ws('\n'.join(self.code)) + '\n', code, start, end, entry)
def parse_hl_lines(self, hl_lines):
"""Parse the lines to highlight."""
return list(map(int, hl_lines.strip().split())) if hl_lines else []
def parse_line_start(self, linestart):
"""Parse line start."""
return int(linestart) if linestart else -1
def parse_line_step(self, linestep):
"""Parse line start."""
step = int(linestep) if linestep else -1
return step if step > 1 else -1
def parse_line_special(self, linespecial):
"""Parse line start."""
return int(linespecial) if linespecial else -1
def parse_fence_line(self, line):
"""Parse fence line."""
ws_len = 0
ws_virtual_len = 0
ws = []
index = 0
for c in line:
if ws_virtual_len >= self.ws_virtual_len:
if c not in PREFIX_CHARS:
ws_len += 1
if c == '\t':
tab_size = self.tab_len - (index % self.tab_len)
ws_virtual_len += tab_size
ws.append(' ' * tab_size)
tab_size = 1
ws_virtual_len += 1
index += tab_size
return ''.join(ws), line[ws_len:]
def parse_whitespace(self, line):
"""Parse the whitespace (blockquote syntax is counted as well)."""
self.ws_len = 0
self.ws_virtual_len = 0
ws = []
for c in line:
if c not in PREFIX_CHARS:
self.ws_len += 1
ws = self.normalize_ws(''.join(ws))
self.ws_virtual_len = len(ws)
return ws
def search_nested(self, lines):
"""Search for nested fenced blocks."""
count = 0
for line in lines:
if self.fence is None:
ws = self.parse_whitespace(line)
# Found the start of a fenced block.
m = RE_NESTED_FENCE_START.match(line, self.ws_len)
if m is not None:
start = count
self.first = ws + self.normalize_ws(m.group(0))
self.ws = ws
self.quote_level = self.ws.count(">")
self.empty_lines = 0
self.fence = m.group('fence')
self.lang = m.group('lang')
self.hl_lines = m.group('hl_lines')
self.linestart = m.group('linestart')
self.linestep = m.group('linestep')
self.linespecial = m.group('linespecial')
self.fence_end = re.compile(NESTED_FENCE_END % self.fence)
# Evaluate lines
# - Determine if it is the ending line or content line
# - If is a content line, make sure it is all indentend
# with the opening and closing lines (lines with just
# whitespace will be stripped so those don't matter).
# - When content lines are inside blockquotes, make sure
# the nested block quote levels make sense according to
# blockquote rules.
ws, content = self.parse_fence_line(line)
end = count + 1
quote_level = ws.count(">")
if self.quote_level:
# Handle blockquotes
self.eval_quoted(ws, content, quote_level, start, end)
elif quote_level == 0:
# Handle all other cases
self.eval_fence(ws, content, start, end)
# Looks like we got a blockquote line
# when not in a blockquote.
count += 1
# Now that we are done iterating the lines,
# let's replace the original content with the
# fenced blocks.
while len(self.stack):
fenced, start, end = self.stack.pop()
if self.preserve_tabs:
lines = lines[:start] + [fenced.replace(md_util.STX, SOH, 1)[:-1] + EOT] + lines[end:]
lines = lines[:start] + [fenced] + lines[end:]
return lines
def highlight(self, src, language):
Syntax highlight the code block.
If config is not empty, then the CodeHilite extension
is enabled, so we call into it to highlight the code.
if self.highlight_code:
linestep = self.parse_line_step(self.linestep)
linestart = self.parse_line_start(self.linestart)
linespecial = self.parse_line_special(self.linespecial)
hl_lines = self.parse_hl_lines(self.hl_lines)
el = hl.Highlight(
# Format as a code block.
el = self.CODE_WRAP % ('', '', _escape(src))
return el
def _store(self, source, code, start, end, obj):
Store the fenced blocks in the stack to be replaced when done iterating.
Store the original text in case we need to restore if we are too greedy.
# Save the fenced blocks to add once we are done iterating the lines
placeholder = self.markdown.htmlStash.store(code, safe=True)
self.stack.append(('%s%s' % (self.ws, placeholder), start, end))
if not self.disabled_indented:
# If an indented block consumes this placeholder,
# we can restore the original source
"%s\n%s%s" % (self.first, self.normalize_ws(source), self.last),
def run(self, lines):
"""Search for fenced blocks."""
self.stack = []
self.disabled_indented = self.config.get("disable_indented_code_blocks", False)
self.preserve_tabs = self.config.get("preserve_tabs", False)
lines = self.search_nested(lines)
return lines
class SuperFencesCodeBlockProcessor(CodeBlockProcessor):
"""Process indented code blocks to see if we accidentally processed its content as a fenced block."""
FENCED_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(
r'^([\> ]*)%s(%s)%s$' % (
md_util.HTML_PLACEHOLDER[1:-1] % r'([0-9]+)',
def test(self, parent, block):
"""Test method that is one day to be deprecated."""
return True
def reindent(self, text, pos, level):
"""Reindent the code to where it is supposed to be."""
indented = []
for line in text.split('\n'):
index = pos - level
return '\n'.join(indented)
def revert_greedy_fences(self, block):
"""Revert a prematurely converted fenced block."""
new_block = []
for line in block.split('\n'):
m = self.FENCED_BLOCK_RE.match(line)
if m:
key = m.group(2)
indent_level = len(m.group(1))
original = None
for entry in self.extension.superfences:
stash = entry["stash"]
original, pos = stash.get(key)
if original is not None:
code = self.reindent(original, pos, indent_level)
if original is None: # pragma: no cover
# Too much work to test this. This is just a fall back in case
# we find a placeholder, and we went to revert it and it wasn't in our stash.
# Most likely this would be caused by someone else. We just want to put it
# back in the block if we can't revert it. Maybe we can do a more directed
# unit test in the future.
return '\n'.join(new_block)
def run(self, parent, blocks):
"""Look for and parse code block."""
handled = False
if not self.config.get("disable_indented_code_blocks", False):
handled = CodeBlockProcessor.test(self, parent, blocks[0])
if handled:
if self.config.get("nested", True):
blocks[0] = self.revert_greedy_fences(blocks[0])
handled = CodeBlockProcessor.run(self, parent, blocks) is not False
return handled
def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
"""Return extension."""
return SuperFencesCodeExtension(*args, **kwargs)