470 lines
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470 lines
15 KiB
Sublime Text Scheme template.
Converts scheme to css provides templating for
additonal so that they can access the colors.
Licensed under MIT
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 Isaac Muse <isaacmuse@gmail.com>
TextMate theme to CSS.
import sublime
import re
from . import version as ver
from .rgba import RGBA
from .st_color_scheme_matcher import ColorSchemeMatcher
import jinja2
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from collections import OrderedDict
from .st_clean_css import clean_css
import copy
import decimal
NEW_SCHEMES = int(sublime.version()) >= 3150
re_float_trim = re.compile(r'^(?P<keep>\d+)(?P<trash>\.0+|(?P<keep2>\.\d*[1-9])0+)$')
re_valid_custom_scopes = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z\d]+[a-zA-Z\d._\-]*')
re_missing_semi_colon = re.compile(r'(?<!;) \}')
re_base_colors = re.compile(r'^\s*\.(?:dummy)\s*\{([^}]+)\}', re.MULTILINE)
re_color = re.compile(r'(?<!-)(color\s*:\s*#[A-Fa-z\d]{6})')
re_bgcolor = re.compile(r'(?<!-)(background(?:-color)?\s*:\s*#[A-Fa-z\d]{6})')
re_pygments_selectors = re.compile(r'\.dummy (\.[a-zA-Z\d]+) ')
CODE_BLOCKS = '.mdpopups .highlight, .mdpopups .inline-highlight { %s; %s; }'
def fmt_float(f, p=0):
"""Set float precision and trim precision zeros."""
string = str(
decimal.Decimal(f).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.' + ('0' * p) if p > 0 else '0'), decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
m = re_float_trim.match(string)
if m:
string = m.group('keep')
if m.group('keep2'):
string += m.group('keep2')
return string
class SchemeTemplate(object):
"""Determine color scheme colors and style for text in a Sublime view buffer."""
def __init__(self, scheme_file):
self.scheme_file = scheme_file
self.css_type = INVALID
self.variable = {}
self.view = None
def guess_style(self, view, scope, selected=False, explicit_background=False):
"""Guess color."""
# Remove leading '.' to account for old style CSS class scopes.
return self.csm.guess_color(scope.lstrip('.'), selected, explicit_background)
scope_style = view.style_for_scope(scope.lstrip('.'))
style = {}
style['foreground'] = scope_style['foreground']
style['background'] = scope_style.get('background')
style['bold'] = scope_style['bold']
style['italic'] = scope_style['italic']
defaults = view.style()
if not explicit_background and not style.get('background'):
style['background'] = defaults.get('background', '#FFFFFF')
if selected:
sfg = scope_style.get('selection_forground', defaults.get('selection_forground'))
if sfg:
style['foreground'] = sfg
style['background'] = scope_style.get('selection', '#0000FF')
return style
def legacy_parse_global(self):
Parse global settings.
self.csm = ColorSchemeMatcher(self.scheme_file)
# Get general theme colors from color scheme file
self.bground = self.csm.special_colors['background']['color_simulated']
rgba = RGBA(self.bground)
self.lums = rgba.get_true_luminance()
is_dark = self.lums <= LUM_MIDPOINT
self._variables = {
"is_dark": is_dark,
"is_light": not is_dark,
"sublime_version": int(sublime.version()),
"mdpopups_version": ver.version(),
"color_scheme": self.scheme_file,
"use_pygments": self.use_pygments,
"default_style": self.default_style
self.html_border = rgba.get_rgb()
self.fground = self.csm.special_colors['foreground']['color_simulated']
def get_variables(self):
"""Get variables."""
is_dark = self.is_dark()
return {
"is_dark": is_dark,
"is_light": not is_dark,
"sublime_version": int(sublime.version()),
"mdpopups_version": ver.version(),
"color_scheme": self.scheme_file,
"use_pygments": self.use_pygments,
"default_style": self.default_style
return self._variables
def get_html_border(self):
"""Get html border."""
return self.get_bg() if NEW_SCHEMES else self.html_border
def is_dark(self):
"""Check if scheme is dark."""
return self.get_lums() <= LUM_MIDPOINT
def get_lums(self):
"""Get luminance."""
bg = self.get_bg()
rgba = RGBA(bg)
return rgba.get_true_luminance()
return self.lums
def get_fg(self):
"""Get foreground."""
return self.view.style().get('foreground', '#000000') if NEW_SCHEMES else self.fground
def get_bg(self):
"""Get backtround."""
return self.view.style().get('background', '#FFFFFF') if NEW_SCHEMES else self.bground
def setup(self):
"""Setup the template environment."""
settings = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings")
self.use_pygments = not settings.get('mdpopups.use_sublime_highlighter', True)
self.default_style = settings.get('mdpopups.default_style', True)
# Create Jinja template
self.env = jinja2.Environment()
self.env.filters['css'] = self.retrieve_selector
self.env.filters['pygments'] = self.pygments
self.env.filters['foreground'] = self.to_fg
self.env.filters['background'] = self.to_bg
self.env.filters['brightness'] = self.brightness
self.env.filters['colorize'] = self.colorize
self.env.filters['hue'] = self.hue
self.env.filters['invert'] = self.invert
self.env.filters['saturation'] = self.saturation
self.env.filters['contrast'] = self.contrast
self.env.filters['grayscale'] = self.grayscale
self.env.filters['sepia'] = self.sepia
self.env.filters['fade'] = self.fade
self.env.filters['getcss'] = self.read_css
def read_css(self, css):
"""Read the CSS file."""
var = copy.copy(self.variables)
'is_phantom': self.css_type == PHANTOM,
'is_popup': self.css_type == POPUP
return self.env.from_string(
).render(var=var, plugin=self.plugin_vars)
except Exception:
return ''
def fade(self, css, factor):
Apply a fake transparency to color.
Fake transparency is preformed on top of the background color.
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1] + "%02f" % int(255.0 * max(min(float(factor), 1.0), 0.0)))
return '%s: %s; ' % (parts[0], rgba.get_rgb())
except Exception:
return css
def colorize(self, css, degree):
"""Colorize to the given hue."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def hue(self, css, degree):
"""Shift hue."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def invert(self, css):
"""Invert color."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def contrast(self, css, factor):
"""Apply contrast filter."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def saturation(self, css, factor):
"""Apply saturation filter."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def grayscale(self, css):
"""Apply grayscale filter."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def sepia(self, css):
"""Apply sepia filter."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def brightness(self, css, factor):
"""Adjust brightness."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] in ('background-color', 'color'):
rgba = RGBA(parts[1])
parts[1] = "%s; " % rgba.get_rgb()
return '%s: %s ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def to_fg(self, css):
"""Rename a CSS key value pair."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == 'background-color':
parts[0] = 'color'
return '%s: %s; ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def to_bg(self, css):
"""Rename a CSS key value pair."""
parts = [c.strip('; ') for c in css.split(':')]
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == 'color':
parts[0] = 'background-color'
return '%s: %s; ' % (parts[0], parts[1])
return css
def pygments(self, style):
"""Get pygments style."""
return get_pygments(style)
def retrieve_selector(self, selector, key=None, explicit_background=True):
"""Get the CSS key, value pairs for a rule."""
general = self.view.style()
fg = general.get('foreground', '#000000')
bg = general.get('background', '#ffffff')
scope = self.view.style_for_scope(selector)
style = []
if scope['bold']:
if scope['italic']:
color = scope.get('foreground', fg)
bgcolor = scope.get('background', (None if explicit_background else bg))
scope = self.guess_style(self.view, selector, explicit_background=explicit_background)
color = scope.fg_simulated
bgcolor = scope.bg_simulated
style = scope.style.split(' ')
css = []
if color and (key is None or key == 'color'):
css.append('color: %s' % color)
if bgcolor and (key is None or key == 'background-color'):
css.append('background-color: %s' % bgcolor)
for s in style:
if "bold" in s and (key is None or key == 'font-weight'):
css.append('font-weight: bold')
if "italic" in s and (key is None or key == 'font-style'):
css.append('font-style: italic')
if "underline" in s and (key is None or key == 'text-decoration') and False: # disabled
css.append('text-decoration: underline')
text = ';'.join(css)
if text:
text += ';'
return text
def apply_template(self, view, css, css_type, template_vars=None):
"""Apply template to css."""
self.view = view
if css_type not in (POPUP, PHANTOM):
return ''
self.css_type = css_type
self.variables = self.get_variables()
var = copy.copy(self.variables)
if template_vars and isinstance(template_vars, (dict, OrderedDict)):
self.plugin_vars = copy.deepcopy(template_vars)
self.plugin_vars = {}
'is_phantom': self.css_type == PHANTOM,
'is_popup': self.css_type == POPUP
return self.env.from_string(css).render(var=var, plugin=self.plugin_vars)
def get_pygments(style):
Get pygments style.
Subllime CSS support is limited. It cannot handle well
things like: `.class1 .class2`, but it can handle things like:
`.class1.class2`. So we will not use things like `.highlight` in front.
We will first find {...} which has no syntax class. This will contain
our background and possibly foreground. If for whatever reason we
have no background or foreground, we will use `#000000` or `#ffffff`
# Lets see if we can find the pygments theme
text = HtmlFormatter(style=style).get_style_defs('.dummy')
text = re_missing_semi_colon.sub('; }', text)
except Exception:
return ''
bg = None
fg = None
# Find {...} which has no syntax classes
m = re_base_colors.search(text)
if m:
# Find background
m1 = re_bgcolor.search(m.group(1))
if m1:
# Use `background-color` as it works better
# with Sublime CSS
bg = m1.group(1).replace('background', 'background-color')
# Find foreground
m1 = re_color.search(m.group(1))
if m1:
fg = m1.group(1)
# Use defaults if None found
if bg is None:
bg = 'background-color: #ffffff'
if fg is None:
fg = 'color: #000000'
# Reassemble replacing .highlight {...} with .codehilite, .inlinehilite {...}
# All other classes will be left bare with only their syntax class.
code_blocks = CODE_BLOCKS
if m:
css = clean_css(
text[:m.start(0)] +
(code_blocks % (bg, fg)) +
text[m.end(0):] +
css = clean_css(
(code_blocks % (bg, fg)) + '\n' + text + '\n'
return re_pygments_selectors.sub(r'.mdpopups .highlight \1', css)