#!/bin/bash # Environments LAPTOP="laptop" DESKTOP="desk" ENV_EXT_REGEXP=".*\.${LAPTOP}|.*\.${DESKTOP}" # Special filename for external config path DEST_FILENAME="dest" # Special configuration filename BASE_CONFIG="config_common" MERGE_CONFIG_FOLDER="config.d" FINAL_CONFIG="config" # Special directories with per-environment configuration merge I3_CONFIG="i3" POLYBAR_CONFIG="polybar" ARCH_PACKAGES="bootstrap" MERGE_DIRS="${I3_CONFIG} ${POLYBAR_CONFIG} ${ARCH_PACKAGES}" # Check if a file has been modified and deleted since last commit, if so perform an action # $1 : path of file # $2 : command to launch if file has been created of modifed # $3 : command to launch if file has been deleted function check_copy() { # When initializing, always copy files if [ ! -z ${INIT} ]; then echo -e "* Running \"$2\"" && eval "$2" return fi echo "$changed_files" | grep --quiet "${1#$HOME/}" if [ $? == "0" ]; then echo "$changed_files" | cut -f 1 | grep --quiet "D" if [ $? == "0" ]; then echo "* $1 has been removed" echo -e "\t* Running \"$3\"" && eval "$3" else echo "* Changes detected in $1" echo -e "* Running \"$2\"" && eval "$2" fi else echo "$1 not modified, no need to copy" fi } # Generates a `config` file in $1, by merging a required $1/{MERGE_CONFIG_FOLDER} file # with an optional `$1/config.d/$2` file. This is useful for having # a common base for multiple computer, and per-computer stuff. # $1 : path of the folder # $2 : optional current environment function merge_config() { echo -e "\n=== Generate ${m} config file ===" rm -f ${CONFIG}/${m}/${FINAL_CONFIG} # Copy common config cp ${CONFIG}/${m}/${BASE_CONFIG} ${CONFIG}/${m}/${FINAL_CONFIG} echo "${CONFIG}/${m}/${FINAL_CONFIG} created" # If there is an override folder, merge given env if [ ! -z ${2} ] && [ -d ${CONFIG}/${m}/${MERGE_CONFIG_FOLDER} ]; then for f in `find ${CONFIG}/${m}/config.d -type f -path "*${2}"`; do echo "Found ${f}, add to regular config file" cat "${f}" >> ${CONFIG}/${m}/${FINAL_CONFIG} done fi } function usage() { echo "${0}: manage package installation, environment divergence and external location for config, see README." echo "usage: [WM_RESTART=1] [INIT=1] $0 [${ENVIRONMENTS}]" exit 0 } # Use XDG_CONFIG_HOME if defined, default otherwise CONFIG=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config} ENV=${1} changed_files="$(git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME diff-tree -r --name-status --no-commit-id HEAD^1 HEAD)" for m in ${MERGE_DIRS}; do merge_config $m ${ENV} done if [ ! -z "$INIT" ]; then echo -e "* Installing base Arch packages..." yay -Syu --needed --noconfirm - < ${CONFIG}/${ARCH_PACKAGES}/${FINAL_CONFIG} echo -e "* Changing shell to ZSH..." chsh -s $(which zsh) # https://man.archlinux.org/man/rofi-dmenu.5 echo -e "* Symlink dmenu → rofi..." sudo ln -s /usr/bin/rofi /usr/bin/dmenu echo -e "* Enabling NetworkManager..." sudo systemctl enable --now NetworkManager # So that "Open in Terminal" works in Nemo gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec i3-sensible-terminal fi if [ ! -z ${ENV} ]; then echo -e "\n=== Create symlink to *.${ENV} regular files ===" # Take all specific files and create a symlink pointing to it without the extension # This file will be used by applications for f in `find ${CONFIG} -type f -name "*.${ENV}"`; do echo "${f%.*} → ${f}" ln -sf ${f} ${f%.*} done # Take care of config files at home level, outside ${CONFIG} (e.g. Xresources) for f in `find ${HOME} -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -name "*.${ENV}"`; do echo "${f%.*} → ${f}" ln -sf ${f} ${f%.*} done fi echo -e "\n=== Copy changed configuration which resides in outer directory ===" # Destination files are regular files for f in `find ${CONFIG} -type f -name ${DEST_FILENAME}`; do DIR=`dirname "${f}"` DEST=`cat ${f}` # Get all files, either regular files or symlinks, which are not the destination file nor specific desktop/laptop files # This is because if desktop/laptop files exist, they already have a symlink pointing to them at this stage for config_file in `find ${DIR} -regextype emacs -mindepth 1 -type f -not \( -regex "*.${ENV_EXT_REGEXP}" -o -name "${DEST_FILENAME}" \)`; do # Now copy to destination sudo mkdir -p ${DEST} check_copy "${config_file}" "sudo cp ${config_file} ${DEST}" "sudo rm ${DEST}/${config_file##*/}" done done if [ ! -z "${WM_RESTART}" ]; then echo -e "\n=== Restart graphical environment ===" # Reload i3 configuration i3-msg reload # Restart picom due to this bug https://github.com/yshui/picom/issues/166 killall picom; picom &>/dev/null & fi