# *pygments* module for Package Control This is the *[pygments][]* module bundled for usage with [Package Control][], a package manager for the [Sublime Text][] text editor. This repository | Pypi ---- | ---- ![Latest tag](https://img.shields.io/github/tag/packagecontrol/pygments.svg) | [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pygments.svg)][pypi] ## How to use *pygments* as a dependency In order to tell Package Control that you are using the *pygments* module in your ST package, create a `dependencies.json` file in your package root with the following contents: ```js { "*": { "*": [ "pygments" ] } } ``` If the file exists already, add `"pygments"` to the every dependency list. Then run the **Package Control: Satisfy Dependencies** command to make Package Control install the module for you locally (if you don't have it already). After all this you can use `import pygments` in any of your Python plugins. See also: [Documentation on Dependencies](https://packagecontrol.io/docs/dependencies) ## How to update this repository (for contributors) 1. Download the latest zip from [Bitbucket][]. 2. Delete everything inside the `all/` folder. 3. Copy the `pygments/` folder to the `all/` folder. 4. Commit changes and either create a pull request or create a tag directly in the format `v` (in case you have push access). ## License The contents of the root folder in this repository are released under the *public domain*. The contents of the `all/` folder fall under *their own bundled licenses* displayed on top of every file. If not displayed, see the `LICENSE` file on pygments' [Bitbucket][]. [pygments]: http://pygments.org [Package Control]: http://packagecontrol.io/ [Sublime Text]: http://sublimetext.com/ [pypi]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygments [Bitbucket]: https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main