[global/wm] margin-top=50 include-file = $HOME/.config/polybar/mocha.ini ; Common to top and bottom bars [bar/common] width = 100% dpi = ${variables.dpi} enable-ipc = true height = ${variables.height} foreground = ${colors.text} background = ${colors.surface0} line-size = 3 line-color = ${colors.base} locale = fr_FR.UTF-8 monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-0} [bar/chostytopbar] inherit = bar/common font-0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=10;1 font-1 = MaterialIcons-Regular:size=11;4 font-2 = Symbola:size=10;2 font-3 = Weather Icons:size=10;3 overline-size = 10 underline-size = 10 overline-color = ${colors.mauve} underline-color = ${colors.mauve} border-bottom-size = 1 border-bottom-color = ${colors.base} padding-left = 2 padding-right = 10 module-margin-left = 4 module-margin-right = 4 modules-left = ${variables.top_left} modules-center = ${variables.top_center} modules-right = ${variables.top_right} tray-position = right [bar/chostybottombar] inherit = bar/common bottom = true overline-size = 3 overline-color = ${colors.mauve} underline-size = 3 underline-color = ${colors.mauve} spacing = 3 padding-left = 0 padding-right = 5 module-margin-left = 6 module-margin-right = 6 font-0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=10;1 font-1 = Symbola:size=4;2 font-2 = Symbola:size=5;2 ;MaterialIcons are the ones used for i3 icons font-3 = MaterialIcons-Regular:size=11;4 font-4 = Font Awesome 5 Free:style=solid:size=10;2 modules-left = ${variables.bottom_left} modules-center = ${variables.bottom_center} modules-right = ${variables.bottom_right} [module/player-mpris] type = custom/script exec = python ~/.config/polybar/scripts/player-mpris.py -f '๐ŸŽ {artist} - {title} %{A1:python ~/.config/polybar/scripts/player-mpris.py previous:} โฎ %{A} %{A1:python ~/.config/polybar/scripts/player-mpris.py play-pause:} {icon-reversed} %{A} %{A1:python ~/.config/polybar/scripts/player-mpris.py next:} โญ %{A}' tail = true [module/xwindow] type = internal/xwindow label = ${env:BAR_WINDOW} label-maxlen=100 [module/wireless-network] type = internal/network interface-type = wireless interval = 1 label-connected = ${env:BAR_WIFI_CONNECTED} label-disconnected = Wireless disconnected label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.text} ; Poorly documented and hackish way to have more space between some modules label-connected-margin = 10 label-disconnected-margin = 10 [module/wired-network] type = internal/network interface = interface-type = wired interval = 1 label-connected = ${env:BAR_WIRED_CONNECTED} label-disconnected = Ethernet disconnected label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.text} [module/i3] type = internal/i3 format = index-sort = true ws-icon-0 = 1;๎กฉ ws-icon-1 = 2;๎ขซ ws-icon-2 = 3;๎ ‹ ws-icon-3 = 4;๎‰ ws-icon-4 = 5;๎˜ฏ ws-icon-5 = 6;๎ฃ label-separator = | label-mode-underline = ${colors.surface1} label-focused = %icon% %name% label-focused-foreground = ${colors.text} label-focused-underline = ${colors.mauve} label-focused-font = 0 label-focused-padding = 4 label-unfocused = %icon% %name% label-unfocused-underline = ${colors.surface0} label-unfocused-font = 0 label-unfocused-padding = 4 label-urgent = %icon% %name% label-urgent-foreground = ${colors.base} label-urgent-background = ${colors.red} label-urgent-underline = ${colors.mauve} label-urgent-font = 0 label-urgent-padding = 4 label-visible = %icon% %name% label-visible-foreground = ${colors.text} label-visible-underline = ${colors.surface1} label-visible-font = 0 label-visible-padding = 4 [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu interval = 0.5 format =