# Install --------------- Activate the 'Theme' by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item `Preferences -> Settings - User` in Sublime Text or use `Schemr` & `Themr` by [Ben Weier](https://github.com/benweier). ## Example --------------- ``` { "theme": "Seti.sublime-theme", "caret_extra_width": 2, // to have a wider/thicker caret "caret_extra_bottom": 3, // to make the caret = to the line height (the theme currently support 0,3,5) "caret_extra_top": 3, "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", // to show scrollbars only when scrolling "highlight_line": true, // to highlight the current line } ``` ### notes --------------- - please check the readme for more theme options. - copy the (Resource/fold.png) "or edit it if you want" to (Packages/Theme - Default) to override the _focken default yellow code_folding icon. - for better recognition of file types, its recommended to install [Apply​Syntax](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/ApplySyntax) by facelessuser. ## Fonts ---------------------- https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/fira-mono https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/source-code-pro https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/ubuntu-mono http://sourcefoundry.org/hack/