{{- /* Allow to skip heading, for example in an about page */}} {{ if not .Params.noheader }} {{- /* Display background only for regular pages, or home */}} {{ $background := in "page home" .Kind }} {{ $page := eq "page" .Kind }} {{ $home := eq "home" .Kind }}
{{ with .Params.imgLicence }}

Image d'illustration : {{ . | markdownify }}

{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.categories }}
{{ range . }} {{ . }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ with .Params.subtitle }}

{{ . | markdownify }}

{{ end }}
{{- /* Words and date stuff makes sens only for blog posts, not other pages */}} {{ if (and .IsPage (eq .FirstSection.Section "posts"))}}

🕑  Environ {{ div .FuzzyWordCount 230 }} minutes de lecture

{{ end }}
{{ end }}