If the current page is a blog post and belongs to a thematic serie, add a side menu
with all other blog posts belonging to that case, emphasis to the current.
Still use empty container if nothing to show for homogeneous layout
{{/* is-desktop stacks vertically columns for tablets and mobiles. is-8 is a
maximum gap of 2rem between columns */}}
{{/* To ease reading, the content is a bit wider for small screens
but not too wide for big screens */}}
{{/* If this is part of a thematic serie, remind it so it is clear */}}
{{ if (and .IsPage (eq .FirstSection.Section "posts"))}}
{{ with .CurrentSection }}
{{ if .Params.Title }}
Le billet que vous lisez fait partie du dossier « {{ .Params.Title }} ». Le
menu sur la gauche permet de naviguer entre ses parties. Bonne lecture ! 😄
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* First thing is a legend for the hero image, if it exists */}}
{{ with .Params.imgExplanation }}
{{ . | markdownify }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Second, an introductive message before ToC, if it exists */}}
{{ with .Params.intro | markdownify | safeHTML }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Then, ToC if text has more than 600 words and not explicitly asked not to */}}
{{ if (and (not .Params.notoc) (gt .WordCount 600)) }}
{{/* Appreciate this horrible trick, even a 2000's HTML generator won't generate such code */}}
{{ .TableOfContents | replaceRE "
{{ end }}
{{/* Finally, content! */}}
{{ .Content }}