{{ $styleBulma := resources.Get "css/bulma.min.css" }} {{ $styleCustom := resources.Get "css/custom.css" }} {{- /* RSS feed */}} {{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}} {{ printf `` .Rel .MediaType.Type .Permalink $.Site.Title | safeHTML }} {{ end -}} {{- /* Default to home image */}} {{ $originalImage := resources.Get "img/home.jpg" }} {{- /* If header image exists in current context, use it instead */}} {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "top.jpg" }} {{ $originalImage = . }} {{ end }} {{ $image := $originalImage.Resize "3000x" }} {{ $image = $image | images.Filter (images.GaussianBlur 7) }} {{- /* tbh I am too lazy to extend Bulma, so put dirty CSS directives here to be able to use Hugo templating system */}} {{- /* Favico */}} {{ .Site.Title }} {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "top.jpg" }} {{ $image := .Fill "480x320 left" }} {{ $imageURL := $image.Permalink }} {{ end }}